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Pilgrimage Support

Updated: Oct 24, 2022

In 2021, I took my first steps on a sacred path that had been calling me for more than a decade, probably my whole life. I just didn't have the awareness before then to understand my experiences. Hearing the call was a long journey in and of itself: walking through my life facing difficult challenges, growing, changing, learning, building courage. I had many dreams and waking life experiences all leading me to this place where I now find myself- walking the path to become a mara'akame, or traditional healer, in the Wixárika (Huichol) tradition.

To step on this path is to declare my life’s purpose being one of service and bringing healing to those who will benefit from this ancient medicine. It requires laying down my own agenda and surrendering to something greater. Making this commitment causes my heart to quicken and occasionally generates self doubt: am I up to this challenge?, what exactly is Spirit seeing in me worthy of this journey? Ultimately, I know deep within that my surmounting the challenges placed in my path ahead, will depend on your love, support and prayers. It is with great humility that I share that knowing and vulnerability with you. It is your support that will lift me up when I feel overwhelmed, when I feel the obstacles too great, for I will know that I am not walking this alone and that your love and support will be surrounding me every step of the way.

I am now officially an apprentice, and I will soon begin my preparations to embark on my second year of pilgrimage to the sacred sites that have called me to them. Already my life feels transformed and humbled. While challenging on many levels, I feel overflowing with gratitude to have found great purpose in my life- to live a life of service for the benefit of my community and all my relations. It is an immense blessing.

I leave for Mexico on November 18th and I am working hard to raise the necessary funds that I will need. I am humbly asking for your support in helping me in this way. The amount I need is $3000, which would cover my travel, lodging, food and miscellaneous pilgrimage expenses. If you feel called/inspired to help me go forth on my spiritual path, here are some ways to help:

1. Support my businesses! I offer Life, Health and Wellness Coaching services. Check out the Coaching page on this site to read more. I'm also a jeweler, so if you like jewelry (or know someone who does) visit my other site and make a purchase.

2. Enter to win one of 2 prizes:

-Purchase a ‘$20 ticket' either via PayPal or Venmo and write in your name, email, and the letter that corresponds to the prize you would choose in the description. Ex. Linda Azar,, B.

Choose one of the following:

A- 1 Free Month of Coaching (3 coaching sessions, 45-60 minutes each via Zoom, valued at $300)

B- 3-hour in-person Private Studio Session in which I will teach you how to make either a ring, a pendant, or a mini metal sculpture (valued at $400-materials included)

C- $300 Gift Certificate to use towards a jewelry purchase off my website,


$20 each

The more tickets you buy, the more chances you have to win! Participation in the raffle ends midnight on November 15th. Winner will be selected and notified on November 16th via email.

3. Donate! No amount is too small. If you donate $50 or more I will send you a special gift!

How to Send Donations :

PayPal- @LindaAzar or click here:

Venmo- @LindaAzar

*Please use the Friends and Family option with PayPal or Venmo. Write your name and email in the subject line. If you are participating in the contest don't forget to write which prize you would choose.

Thank you for your generosity and your interest in supporting me on my path!

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