“Plant spirit medicine is the shaman’s way with plants. It recognizes that plants have spirit and that spirit is the strongest medicine. Spirit can heal the deepest reaches of the heart and soul.”
― Eliot Cowan, Plant Spirit Medicine
What is Plant Spirit Medicine?
Plant Spirit Medicine (PSM) is a form of spiritual healing that combines Ancient Chinese Five Element tradition with the indigenous practice of using plant spirits for healing. Though largely forgotten in today's society, this medicine is rooted in ancestral traditions and has been practiced by women and men all over the world throughout time. It is a powerful medicine that brings us back to balance by gently removing barriers which prevent us from living fully within our own, true essential nature.
As we all have experienced, there are moments when life is overwhelming. We feel overworked, stressed or even unhappy. If unaddressed, we forget that we are meant to live joyfully and in harmony with the world around us. Plant Spirit Medicine offers a reminder of this joy and the abundance of life that is available to us through healing our hearts, re-awakening our spirits and transforming our feeling of separateness to a feeling of wholeness and the memory of who we are.
How Can it Help Me?
While modern medicine's strength is addressing the physical aspects of our selves using physical means, traditional healing modalities such as Plant Spirit Medicine are focused on the mental and spiritual aspects. An individual's pain is often a call to awareness and an invitation to re-establish balance within our selves and with the world around us. Continued Plant Spirit Medicine treatments can help resolve this imbalance by building a strong foundation at the deep core of who we are. Over time, our spirit is re-awakened and our connection to the world around us is strengthened so that well-being throughout our entire system can be restored. As a result, physical symptoms are often alleviated and the capacity of the body to heal itself is elevated.
It is important to remember that true healing is not about treating symptoms, it is one in which well-being comes from addressing body, mind and spirit as a whole. Once a person engages on such a path, she/he soon realizes that the journey is one that requires patience and digs deeply.... but one that can profoundly nurture our hearts and souls.